Why Hire an Appellate Attorney?
Whether you are looking to appeal a judgment that went against you, or are faced with defending a favorable judgment on appeal, there are good reasons to hire an attorney who handles appeals day in, day out.
Appeals have their own complicated set of court rules, and those rules change frequently. The consequences for failing to follow the rules can range from annoying the appellate judges to having your appeal thrown out. An appellate attorney will know just what the rules currently require.
Appeals require many hours of research, analysis and -- especially -- writing. Most trial lawyers prefer face-to-face interaction with parties, witnesses, judges and other trial lawyers to spending hours in the library or on the computer. Also, trial lawyers are usually juggling quite a few cases at once, which makes it hard to find time for an appeal. An appellate attorney can offer the expertise, the time, and the temperament that appeals require.
A trial lawyer who has worked long and hard for his client may come to view the facts in light of his loyalty to the client. An appellate attorney brings a fresh and objective perspective. An appellate attorney will also be familiar with the special tactical considerations involved in satisfying the standard of review for your particular appeal.
And if -- because of the appellate rules, the standard of review, or the facts presented to the trial court -- your appeal is unlikely to succeed, an appellate attorney can tell you so.
How Karen A. Wyle Works with You
Wyle works on only a few appeals at a time, so she can devote ample attention to each. Wyle will keep you informed about what is happening in your appeal and what will happen next. She will answer your questions about the appellate process, consult you on key decisions -- and return your phone calls and emails promptly.
If you prefer to have your trial lawyer handle your appeal, Wyle can offer her expertise to him or her on an hourly basis, keeping track of deadlines, reviewing drafts, or consulting on tactics.